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on Jan 01, 1970 00:00

July 30, 2021--The Ministry of Communications, Science and Technology (MCST) led by Honourable Minister Tsóinyana Rapapa is currently leading Digital terrestrial television (DTT) campaigns in the country.

The DTT is said to be a new format of broadcasting that allows the viewer to get higher quality video and audio signals than conventional analogue TV. This is in line with International Telecommunication Union (ITU), a specialised agency tasked by the United Nations to focus on information and communication technologies.

According to Honourable Rapapa, DTT is a major technological advance over the previous analog television as it brings about more efficient use of limited radio spectrum bandwidth, provision of more television channels than analogue as well as better quality images and sound.

He said this in Mokhotlong during the pilot rollout, following his visit in Thaba-Tseka two weeks ago in pursuant of a similar assignment. Furthermore, the Minister made a mention that so far, the Ministry has been able to construct 20 transmitters across the country including the one at Popa, Mokhotlong.

“As we embark on the rollout campaign today, I am pleased to announce that Mokhotlong hospital, Libibing health centre, Mapholaneng police station, Malefiloane and the office of the District Administrator in Mokhotlong are already benefiting from DTT transmission.”

He alluded that once the Ministry is complete with the rollout in various districts, feedback will be given in relation to how the society should go about accessing this new format of broadcasting.

Therefore, the Minister called Basotho to ensure protection of this modern infrastructure meant to enhance quality service delivery as well as aligning with ITU whose switch over deadline was June, 17 2015.