Under Maintenance!

on Jan 01, 1970 00:00

May 18, 2022…After assuming the position of Public Relations Director (PRD) in the Ministry of Communications, Science and Technology (MCST) a few weeks ago, Mr. Ramakhula Ramakhula held a virtual meeting with Public Relations Officers (PROs) in line Ministries earlier today.

Addressing PROs’, Mr. Ramakhula highlighted the importance of PROs’ in different Ministries, Parastatals and Agencies to stand in solidarity in an attempt to ensure practical implementation of  Government business on daily bases through use of digital media.

He straightened that digital media has become order of the day, the more reason why PROs’ as the face of the organisation need to up their game, inform and update the nation about  matters arising in their Ministries.

“Use of digital media such as Facebook pages, Twitter and Websites to mention but a few can go a long way in selling and promoting good relations between Government and the society,” he said.

Other issues related to matters of the National Contact Centre (NCC), where PRM informed PROs’ about the visit of the PM (Dr. Moeketsi Majoro) at the centre housed at Post Office building, Maseru level 8 on Tuesday this week prior to the official launch next week.

In conclusion, PROs’ have agreed to reconvene in due course to appoint and renew their committee that will ensure smooth operation and easy implementation of their work with stakeholders and publics.

The meeting saw participants of different PROs’ who strongly urged for regular meetings so that issues affecting them on daily basis are ironed out, while they forge harmonious relations amongst others.

PR Cadre has since been approved by Public Service Commission and assures PROs professionalism of this career.
