Under Maintenance!

on Jan 01, 1970 00:00

December 14, 2020...History was made when for the first time, the Ministry of  Communications, Science and Technology launched the 2020/21 - 2022/23 Ministry's Strategic Plan in Maseru today.

The august event commenced with inspection of the  Ministry's stalls by the Minister of Communications, Honourable Thesele 'Maseribane and his colleague, Honourable Selibe Mochoboroane, Minister of Development Planning.

The pick of the event was the signing of the strategic plan by Chief Thesele in the presence of stakeholders and the public.

In his key address at the event which was broadcast live on the national television and radio, Chief Thesele assures the nation with the new strategy, the Ministry means business and it is no longer business as usual.

He indicates the objectives of the plan include enhancing quality deliverables in the  Ministry as well as ensuring job creation in line with National Strategic Development Plan (NSDP)  ll as well as African Union agenda  2063.

As part of implementing the plan, he said LNBS now has a new Outside Broadcasting Van hence today's event is being broadcast live, with another  one coming in January 2021.

He said LENA and Information will soon be giving news twenty - four hours using online technologies.

Above all, he implies that with the use of modern technologies ATS is also engaged in projects meant to create employment, adding postal services also ought to be equipped with the intention to offer services required in the fourth industrial revolution.

Talking about science, the Honourable Minister said digital technologies are essential tools in responding to global pandemic and research hence the ongoing research on finding COVID-19 cure locally.

Moreover, he said this strategic plan also aims for promotion of local content, urging locals with skills and expertise to come share it for publicity purposes.

Additionally, he points out that the Ministry's communication audit will be implemented together with Public Service Ministry so that officers are well placed to strengthen service delivery.

"Through this strategy, we aim to ensure that before the end of 2021, Government initiative of being paperless is realised," he underscores.

Sharing a few challenges from the previous strategic plan of 2014 - 2017, Chief Economic Planner, Mr. Kori Lenyatsa said for a long time now, media policy and ICT policies have been work in progress, "we will definately attain our goals with this new plan," he adds.

When concluding, he appeals to all to support the plan especially at this crucial time when the country is undergoing   the process of reforms.

In the same token, the Principal Secretary in the Ministry, Advocate Bereng Makotoko is adamant looking back from where each department of the Ministry is coming from, that is traditional ways of doing things to the modern one, the Ministry is surely going somewhere.

He appreciates all stakeholders for their participation towards the success of the turn around strategy.

Khotsofalang Mothibeli, a young scientist applauds the Ministry by incorporating their thoughts and sentiments within the plan.

The Ministry of Communications has seven departments namely Administration, LNBS, LENA, ATS, Postal Services, Information, ICT as well as  Science and Technology.

Therefore, with the launch of the strategic plan it is anticipated that in three months from today, the Ministry will come back and report progress in terms of implementation.

Present at the occassion were representation of officials from Prime Minister's office, the Deputy Minister of Home  Affairs, Honourable Maimane Maphathe and other dignitaries as well as stakedolders  who made their contributions through questions and recommendations.
