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on Jan 01, 1970 00:00

Maseru, June 09 2020--The Ministry of Communications, Science and Technology (MCST) management led by Chief Thesele ‘Maseribane attended a one-day meeting on Science and Technology Bill (STB).


The objective of the meeting was to discuss and share with the Minister the insights of the bill ahead of third reading in Parliament.


Amongst others, the bill seeks to implement science and technology policy which was adopted by Cabinet in 2006 as well as to ensure coordination of science and technology issues in the country so as to avoid duplication.


Minister Thesele is adamant the Ministry hand in hand with its stakeholders should strive to ensure being on the lead in as far as innovation and technology issues are concerned.


“Promotion of women in science is also key in this regard and this is in line with agenda 2030 and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),” he said.


Furthermore, Mr. Tsépo Ntho, Senior Research Officer highlighted the need to also align with international standards and best practices in as far as science issues are concerned for the development of the ministry.


Under National Strategic Development Plan (NSDP) II MCST is one of the ministry’s expected to help government fight poverty and hunger, create jobs for the next three to four years so as to improve Lesotho’s economy.


Present at the meeting included the Principal Secretary (PS), Ms. Mabotle Damane, Deputy Principal Secretary (DPS), Ms. Matséliso Phafoli and other Senior Officers in the Ministry.
