Under Maintenance!

on Jan 01, 1970 00:00

Jan 13, 2022--The Ministry of Communications, Science and Technology (MCST) has registered positive strides in the year 2021/22, Chief Economic Planner Mr. Kori Lenyatsa has revealed.

The Chief Economic Planner disclosed this in an interview meant to establish Ministry’s successes and challenges in the previous year, as well as plans for the New Year.

Amongst the many successes, he highlighted that Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) roll-out campaigns spearheaded by MCST Minister in the country last year, Honourable Tsóinyana Rapapa have been accomplished. “This means that we have moved from analogue to digital way of doing things in line with International Telecommunication Union (ITU).”

He also mentioned that expansion of telecommunication services is on track as seven (7) Base Tower Stations are under construction, adding the intention is to ensure construction of twenty four (24) more in this New Year.

Mr. Lenyatsa has expressed gratitude with regard to adoption of National Media Policy, 2021 saying through support of his Ministry, the policy has seen the light in Parliament, thus creating an enabling environment for members of the press.

In another development, he talked about review of ICT Policy which has been completed by MCST, noting that in due course the Ministry is anticipating that it shall be adopted and approved by both Cabinet and Parliament.

“Various Ministries seeking internet connectivity from MCST have successfully been connected, this he said is not only an achievement but the right step in line with Ministry’s mission, vision and cherished values.” He alluded.

Above all, he said the fact that the Ministry now has two new Outside Broadcasting Vans means that the society can now witness national events live at the comfort of their homes.

However, the Chief Economic Planner shared a few challenges that include vandalism of broadcasting transmitters which have been constructed in the districts as well as shortage of set top boxes to ensure effective operation of moving from analogue to digital.

In conclusion, he said with regard to promoting internet capacity expansion, more money is required hence are looking forward to making plans with the Ministry of Finance on how best to tackle this.

MCST has a total of seven departments all with the aim to help the Ministry and the entire Government to realise goals pertaining to communication services, science and technological knowhow.
