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Department Of Science, Technology and Innovation (DSTI)

Department Of Science, Technology and Innovation (DSTI)


Government of Lesotho established DSTI in September 1993 under the Ministry of Natural Resources. The DSTI first Director was Mr. Thabang Tsietsi. The initial plan was to have Lesotho Council for Science and Technology established by 1995 to be the principal advisory organ of Government on all matters relating to scientific research and technological development.
In August 2003, the government transferred the department to the Ministry of Communications in accordance with Legal Notice No. 47 of 2003. The other directors of the department during its 30-year history are Mr. R.L. Ntokoane, Mr. T. Mokhesi, Ms. M.B. Williams, and Mr. L. Thamae. Currently acting in this position is Ms. M. Mosoka. The current government added innovation to the initial DST, hence is at present DSTI.


DSTI is guided by the Lesotho Science and Technology Policy, adopted by Cabinet in April 2006. According to this policy, the department is mandated to formulate and implement policies and programs that promote growth of science, technology & innovation, with aim to create an enabling environment in which technological development will make meaningful contribution to a better quality of life of people of Lesotho.

The department, which acts as a coordinating body, focal point for Government and a liaison point for various public and private Science, Technology & Innovation (ST&I) stakeholders, will also review, assess, and monitor ST&I policy issues of national interest.

Core Values
1. Mission

To promote socioeconomic development through fostering research and innovation by developing relevant legislative instruments

2. Vision

Vision of DSTI is to be a leading focal point of all science, technology, research and innovation initiatives and a driver in promoting socioeconomic development through science, technology, research, and innovation.

1. Policy development and support

Policies level the playing field and create a conducive environment for research and innovation.
In addition, researchers and innovators are provided guidance on where to access what assistance.

2. Programs and projects development.

Funding is sourced to carry out programs and projects that meet the needs of the people of Lesotho.
Innovators needing assistance with project documents are assisted to meet required standards.

3. Science and technology sector coordination

researchers and innovators are connected with relevant departments and organizations for assistance, including Intellectual Property protection.


The department supports promotion of science, technology and innovation across various sectors. Therefore has led projects in various fields, namely:

  1. Science Centre
  2. Potato Tissue Culture Project
  3. High Performance Computing

DSTI currently is staffed for the following positions: Director, two (2) Senior Research Officers (one leading the Social Sciences section and the other the Natural Sciences section); three (3) Research Officers and three (3) Assistant Research Officers.Qualifications for the Technical Staff range from junior degree in either Social Sciences or